Cornwall Electric offers a variety of methods for bill payment:
By having your bill payments automatically deducted from your bank account each due date with the pre-authorized payment plan, you save time and never have to worry your bill not being paid on time.
Print out a Pre-Authorized Debit Plan form
Print out a cancellation Pre-Authorized Debit Plan formYour bill may be paid at your local bank or trust company during regular business hours. As well, most financial institutions have online banking where you can set up Cornwall Electric as a payee.
TeleBanking is available through most banks and trust companies, allowing you to pay your bill simply using your touch tone phone.
Credit card payments (MasterCard & Visa) can be made using the Paymentus toll-free number which is 1.877.225.7379 or via their website. Any transaction fees associated with the use of this service will be billed to the card holder.
ImagePlease return the top portion of your bill, with your payment.
Send your cheque or money order to:
101 Sydney Street
P.O. Box 1179
Cornwall, Ontario
K6H 5V3
(Please include your electrical account number on your cheque or money order)