24/7 Emergency Service Number
Cornwall Electric has a strong and reliable electricity system, but occasionally we are at the mercy of the Canadian climate. In the winter, heavy snow or ice storms can cause power lines to break, while in the summer and fall, fierce winds, rain and lightning can cause extensive tree damage that leads to power outages.
In the event the power goes out, we have a six-step recovery plan in place to restore power to you, the customer, as quickly and safely as possible.
Cornwall Electric's 6- step power recover plan
1. Contact
We often learn about a power outage when someone calls our Customer Service Centre, which is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you’re power goes out, please call our customer service centre immediately to notify us of an outage. The appropriate personnel will be notified, and a crew is sent out to assess the situation.
Phone Numbers: Cornwall 1-844-701-9473
2. Emergency Restoration
We receive many calls during an outage and they are addressed in priority. Our first priority is to respond to 911 emergencies like fires or live lines that are down. We then focus on restoring electricity to essential services such as hospitals, fire and police stations, and water and sewage treatment facilities.
3. Prioritize
Guided by the rule “do the greatest good for the greatest number,” we repair large system elements that serve a large number of customers, and then move on to repair individual lines serving individual customers.
4. Mobilize
We assess the nature and extent of the storm-related damages so that we can quickly mobilize and deploy human and equipment resources from across the province, if needed, to the storm damaged area.
5. Communicate
During a power outage, the Cornwall Electric communications department provides Estimated Time of Restoration (ETR) bulletins to the media and local officials. As soon as the problem is diagnosed, Cornwall Electric will be able to provide our customers with updated information concerning the cause, the area affected, and the approximate time the power will be restored.
6. Finish the Job
Cornwall Electric crews, management and dispatchers stay on the job until we have restored power to everyone. Then we revisit any temporary repairs.
What to do in a power outage
- In case of a power outage or emergency, call Cornwall Electric’s emergency number(s): 1-844-701-9473
- Always stay clear of downed lines or equipment. Never assume that they are safe to go near.
- Unplug any sensitive equipment or appliances.
Information to have ready
- Account number (found on your electricity bill).
- Phone number of the home or business you’re calling about as well as service address and closest intersection.
- Any details about the possible cause of the outage, such as a tree hitting the line in front of your house or if you see a wire down will help us assess the situation.